Pdms 12.1 Sp2 17
Question:Export pipes, equipment from PDMS does not workAnswer:At the moment only link version for PDMS12.1 can export other than structural objects.In PDMS if you want to export a PIPE, make the PIPE current element and add it do export dialog. Then mark it and press export.Please note that PIPE is lowest level for piping export. BRAN is not a possible selection.
Pdms 12.1 Sp2 17
Question:Export from PDMS12.0 SP6: Alignment/justification problems for profiles, e.g. beams moved up (or down) half of height when imported to Tekla BIMsight or Tekla StructuresAnswer:Problem has been found, depends on rules used in profile catalogues. If a fixed 12.0 version before official installation is needed it can be downloaded from address below using e.g. Internet ExplorerPDMS 12.1 version is ok. -PDMS_Library_120SP6_2015-06-24_FixedBeamPosition.zip
Question:Error dialog appears ("... could not load Tekla.Technology.ManagedIfcLib ... " or similar) when trying to import using PDMS 12.1 SP5 or E3D 2.1Answer:Different PDMS/E3D versions use different versions (3.5 or 4.0) of .NET Framework.This can cause incompatibility problems because some GAC library files are stored to a common C-folder of machine.Versions PDMS12.1 SP5 and E3D2.1 installation create both files belowC:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_32\Tekla.Technology.ManagedIfcLibC:\Windows\assembly\GAC_32\Tekla.Technology.ManagedIfcLibVersions PDMS12.0 SP6 or PDMS12.1 SP2/SP4 do not create any filesThis means that link installation of e.g. PDMS12.1 SP4 and E3D2.1 cannot be at same machine.It is good to uninstall first previous link version and then install the new one.After link installation you could verify that above file Tekla.Technology.ManagedIfcLib does not exist in foldersC:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_32\C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_32\
in folder C:\AVEVA\Plant\PDMS12.0.SP6\AutoDraftACADType in Autocad command: PDMS_SHEET
Option: Select all items to be made into a PDMS Backing/Overlay Sheet:
Select the whole elements in the drawing and then press ENTER key
Option: Inch/
Select the appropiate unit of measurement or press ENTER to select the default unit in mm.
Option: Overlay/
Type Backing or just press ENTER to create a backing Sheet
Option: Draft Sheet Library Name
Type in the sheet library name. eg. PDMSMACRO_SHLB and press ENTER.
Option: Backing Sheet Name
Type in the backing sheet name. eg. PDMSMACRO_SHLB/A0 and then press ENTER
Option: Draft Command File Name
Type in the directory or folder and file name eg. C:\TEMP\BACK.txt
Open the output file in notepad (C:\TEMP\BACK.txt)
Ensure that the drawing size (SIZE X and Y) ate correct based on the actual drawing size. Change the size because sometimes the file just give X 12.00 and Y 9.00
Now open PDMS Draft application using a Free user
Go to Draft à Administration à Sheet Library
Create the sheet library and name it as /PDMSMACRO_SHLB
Create a backing sheet and name it as /PDMSMACRO_SHLB/A0
Ensure CE is at/ PDMSMACRO_SHLB/A0
Type in the command line $M C:\TEMP\BACK.txt
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Electromagnetic absorption materials have received increasing attention owing to their wide applications in aerospace, communication and the electronics industry, and multiferroic materials with both polarization and magnetic properties are considered promising ceramics for microwave absorption application. However, the insufficient absorption intensity coupled with the narrow effective absorption bandwidth has limited the development of high-performance multiferroic materials for practical microwave absorption. To address such issues, in the present work, we utilize interfacial engineering in BiFeO3 nanoparticles via Ca doping, with the purpose of tailoring the phase boundary. Upon Ca-substitution, the co-existence of both R3c and P4mm phases has been confirmed to massively enhance both dielectric and magnetic properties via manipulating the phase boundary and the destruction of the spiral spin structure. Unlike the commonly reported magnetic/dielectric hybrid microwave absorption composites, Bi0.95Ca0.05FeO3 has been found to deliver unusual continuous dual absorption peaks at a small thickness (1.56 mm), which has remarkably broadened the effective absorption bandwidth (8.7-12.1 GHz). The fundamental mechanisms based on the phase boundary engineering have been discussed, suggesting a novel platform for designing advanced multiferroic materials with wide applications.Electromagnetic absorption materials have received increasing attention owing to their wide applications in aerospace, communication and the electronics industry, and multiferroic materials with both polarization and magnetic properties are considered promising ceramics for microwave absorption application. However, the insufficient absorption intensity coupled with the narrow effective absorption bandwidth has limited the development of high-performance multiferroic materials for practical microwave absorption. To address such issues, in the present work, we utilize interfacial engineering in BiFeO3
Electromagnetic absorption materials have received increasing attention owing to their wide applications in aerospace, communication and the electronics industry, and multiferroic materials with both polarization and magnetic properties are considered promising ceramics for microwave absorption application. However, the insufficient absorption intensity coupled with the narrow effective absorption bandwidth has limited the development of high-performance multiferroic materials for practical microwave absorption. To address such issues, in the present work, we utilize interfacial engineering in BiFeO3 nanoparticles via Ca doping, with the purpose of tailoring the phase boundary. Upon Ca-substitution, the co-existence of both R3c and P4mm phases has been confirmed to massively enhance both dielectric and magnetic properties via manipulating the phase boundary and the destruction of the spiral spin structure. Unlike the commonly reported magnetic/dielectric hybrid microwave absorption composites, Bi0.95Ca0.05FeO3 has been found to deliver unusual continuous dual absorption peaks at a small thickness (1.56 mm), which has remarkably broadened the effective absorption bandwidth (8.7-12.1 GHz). The fundamental mechanisms based on the phase boundary engineering have been discussed, suggesting a novel platform for designing advanced multiferroic materials with wide applications. 350c69d7ab